Step it on Up
There are 462 steps up to Avalanche Hill in Boyne City, MI. This hike is only a short walk from Nathan’s House and is a tremendous way to exert some energy. In fact there are multiple ways to ascend to its height but just one route has the actual steps. As you reach the top you immediately sense the value in the climb due to the breathtaking view of Lake Charlevoix and the colored hills beyond.
Climb, Fight, Move to the Top
Your 12-step journey will be like the steps of the physical climb. You will expend energy, grow weak at times, and sometimes feel like giving up. But like the climb you will be rewarded with an extraordinary view when finished. Although my ascent is only partially complete I am already amazed at the difference. Others have said that, “I would be amazed before I was halfway through,” and they were correct. It’s not the first time I have attempted the hike. Several times before I sensed the need to rid my life of the substances that were controlling me. Several times I did not succeed. Many have a similar experience. Today I have harnessed strength from the past to give me some insight for the trek ahead. Most importantly this time I have a guide. Between the 12-step program and Nathan’s House I have more than a fighting chance.
An Amazing View Awaits
At this point I know I have an amazing view of sobriety awaiting me. When I reach its peak I will have the strength to find others who are trying to climb and give them some guidance on their own way to the top. This is exactly what Nathan’s House has done for me and the other men here. They reached the exceptional view then decided to go back down and find others to help with the great climb of recovery.J.P. Nathan’s House Guest September 2017